TOTAL TIME: 1 hour
75 gr pancetta, diced
Milk & Dairy
Parmesan rind + for garnish
2 tbsp tomato paste
4 cups chicken broth
1/2 tbsp oregano
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1 can whole San Marzano tomatoes
1 can Romano beans (feel free to sub)
3/4 cups pastina
1 onion
1 large leek
2 celery stalks
2 large carrots
3 sprigs thyme
3 cloves garlic
1/2 head kale
1 cup frozen peas
pre-recipe prep
Dice your onion, celery and carrots to a similar size as your beans
Trim ends off leek, dice, and rinse well
Mince your garlic
Drain and rinse your beans
De-stem, wash, and finely chop your kale
Crisp your pancetta. Add your diced pancetta to a cold large stockpot and place over medium heat. Starting it cold renders the fat slower and results in a crispier piece. Once crispy (3-5 minutes), remove chunks, leaving the fat in the pot, and set aside.
Get your soup going. To your pot over medium heat, add 1 diced onion and 1 diced leek to your leftover fat, with 1 tsp salt and a few cracks of pepper. Cook down for about 5 minutes or until onions start to turn golden. Add 2 tbsp tomato paste and cook for another 2-3 minutes until your paste starts to darken (dark=flavor). Add in your diced carrots and celery and cook down for another 3 minutes. Add 3 cloves minced garlic, 1/2 tbsp oregano, 1/2 tsp chili flakes, thyme sprigs and parmesan rind and cook for 1 minute. Add in your entire can of tomatoes and their juices, crushing them with your hands as you go. Add 4 cups chicken broth and simmer for at least 10 minutes, up to 30 if you want more tender vegetables.
Finish up. Once your soup is done simmering, add your beans, and 3/4 cups pastina. Mix well and cook for about 10 minutes (or however long your pastina package states to bring it to al dente). In the final 2 minutes, add 1 cup frozen peas and your finely chopped kale and cook until kale is tender.
Serve with lots of freshly grated parm, basil oil or fresh basil, your crisped pancetta and fresh cracked pepper.
You can really sub in or out any veggies you want - I recommend keeping the onion, garlic, leeks, celery and carrots, and then add in anything you have left in the fridge!
Questions? Drop a comment below if you have any questions, and don’t forget to let me know if you make it!